#226 – Westbury
#231 – Hackensack
#244 – East Hanover
#305 – Nanuet
#306 – Clifton
#308 – Waltham
#310 – Lawrence
#316 – Staten Island
#318 – Brooklyn
#319 – Dedham
#320 – Union
#323 – Edison
#329 – Ocean Township
#739 – Brick
#1062 – Manhattan
We hope you enjoy and that it helps you stock up for our "Get Real" Challenge!
You may have guessed that one of those ingredients stands out like a sore thumb - Autolyzed Yeast Extract. It just doesn't sound natural... and it's not! But it can be found in one of our competitor's souffles. (Who shall remain nameless and teaches you to READ YOUR LABELS!)
That additive is classified as a "Flavor Enhancer" according to the FDA. It's made in a lab by taking a processed yeast product and extracting the cell contents. Yum!
By not using any additives or unnatural ingredients, Garden Lites has a "Clean Food Label" and can feel confident that we only make healthy, natural food. You can pronounce all of our ingredients, you know what they are, they occur naturally in the world and are most likely sitting in your pantry. If you're working with great food from the beginning, you don't need a chemistry lab to add flavor, it's already there.
Check the labels of foods you normally eat. Is there something listed that you don't know what it means? Look it up! It might surprise you what you've been consuming. The cleaner the label, the better you can feel - inside, and out.
The key to weight loss is burn more calories than you consume.
Simple enough. But surprisingly difficult to do. First you must consume healthy calories, ones that help your body work better, smarter and happier. Then you want to figure out a way to burn those calories that works with your lifestyle. On average, each Garden Lites contains only 140 calories. These calories are packed with vegetables, nutrients, muscle-building protein and other great benefits for you. And they aren’t hard to shed!
As I hang my clothes on my treadmill each day I think “Maybe tomorrow I’ll use you.” hoping one of these times I actually mean it. I’d like to think of my exercise approach as “Glass Half Full.” I’m optimistic that I’ll one day maybe try to exercise. Whereas others remain “Glass Half Empty” folks, coming to terms that they have a very expensive clothes rack. The point I’m trying to make is no matter which glass you are, you have other ways to lose weight every day that you don’t even need to think about.
-The average weight of a woman in the U.S. is about 160 pounds.
-If she consumes 3 meals a day (and 2 snacks), the average meal size should be 500 calories. (with a 2000 calorie diet)
-Garden Lites is a great meal replacer, at only 140 calories you’re already ahead of the game.
Now set aside 30 minutes in your day. Is that laughing I hear? Okay, maybe everyone doesn’t have the luxury to just set aside time for themselves. (And I don’t really count working up a sweat to be “me time” anyway) So let’s see what you would normally do in a day anyway…
Courtesy of Internet Fitness.
What is great about these numbers is… you already do them! So any additional exercise on top of them will only increase your burned calories. Walk around the neighborhood after dinner, do an extra loop around the mall, shoot hoops with your kid. No gym membership necessary, no workout equipment, no special outfits needed to begin. Changing one meal a day is a manageable way to start your healthier lifestyle.
Get real about what “working out” means for you and your lifestyle today!