After all, your body is your temple, right?
Here's what I'm starting with but I'd love to hear more ideas from you!

Get one of those BPA water canteens and set a daily goal of how much water to drink. I've tried the CamelBak in the past, but find I'm too lazy to take it all apart and clean out the pieces. This one from Target has all the health and safety qualities I need (BPA Free and not too huge) and it's metal so it keeps the water extra cool. Plus it's a pretty blue! If I fill it up twice a day, then I'll have 50 of my 64 suggested ounces of daily water intake.
#2. Read nutrition labels.
The other day I tossed one of those "ready in 10 minutes in a skillet" meals together and two of us shared it. While it had flavor and convenience, I missed a key fact. EACH SERVING contained 38g of fat. 38?! If I had just taken the time to look at the nutritional facts I would have avoided post-dinner guilt (and a massive stomachache).
#3. Pronounce all of your ingredients.
In the biz we call it a "Clean Food Label". Basically, are you eating something you can pronounce? Sure, a product can say "All Natural" but that is not a government regulated term the same way "Organic" is. Garden Lites is not only all natural, but every single ingredient listed is something you could pick up at your local grocery store. No more of these 12 syllable "hexa-hydro-beta-zia-expialadosious" ingredients cooked up in a lab instead of a kitchen!
#4. Eat mini-meals.
Eating several meals a day helps you control your cravings and take in healthier calories. This article is really helpful in how it lays out the plan. Planning ahead is key, as is stocking your kitchen with good options, instead of unhealthy treats that are "convenient" but costly when it comes to your waistline.
#5. Start by having breakfast.
It sounds counter intuitive to suggest a way to eat less is to start each day by eating. Lots of people believe if they skip meals here or there that they will lose weight, but it's exactly the opposite. As the mini-meal article states, your metabolism needs food to keep going. And to kick off your metabolism each morning you need to eat. Have an egg white omlette rich in protein or oatmeal with heart healthy oats. Try to avoid high carb items which will bring energy levels down instead of boosting them up. Just starting your day fed instead of with a growling stomach, you will see dramatic improvements right away!
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