Friday, September 3, 2010

Weigh-In #2: Peg Shares Her Successes

From the desk of Peg...

I don’t have a scale that measures at the 1/10 of a pound… so I am holding at zero for the week in additional weight loss to the 3 lbs total since the start of our program. For me, weight loss is a very slow process, I can put it on quickly but it takes a loooooooooong time to lose - especially at 50!

My progress: I am making better choices, trying to eat more protein, drinking more water, getting my exercise on the weekend –we went for a long bike ride over the weekend, took many walks and went swimming, but during the week it is a challenge. (I sit too much at the laptop or on the phone)

My downfall: Good wine & cheese on the weekend, bread (carbohydrate) is not my friend :) goes to my belly not my hips.

Things to work on for next week:
• don’t eat too much at the labor day block party (I like to nimble everything)
• more exercise during the week (I sit too long at the laptop)
• start writing down what I eat
• start attending weight watchers
• keep making small changes


  1. Peg, thank you for sharing! Sounds like you've made some great changes in your lifestyle. Keep up the great work!

  2. Peg - you are doing great! Keep up the good work :) (Wine, cheese, and carbs is ALWAYS the demise of me as well)
